Find information about your property

Kittitas County COMPAS is an interactive map that provides property specific information, including fire districts, land ownership, and critical areas, which can serve to help property owners better plan ahead for wildfire. Users can also explore property details alongside valuable information on other factors such as slope, flood zones, and land use. For further direction […]
Learn about Wildfire Risk

Under direction from Congress, the USDA Forest Service created an interactive tool to explore wildfire risk nationally. Wildfire Risk to Communities is a free, easy-to-use website with interactive maps, charts, and resources to help communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk. It was most recently updated in May of 2024. Much of the risk associated […]
Forest Health Treatments

Explore treatments with the Forest Health Tracker! Across Washington, partners have been working together to increase forest restoration and reduce fuels for wildfire. There are many effective ways to treat forested land, from prescribed fire to thinning and chipping. The Washington Department of Natural Resources’ Forest Health Tracker Project Map is an interactive way to […]
Wildfire History

National Fire Situational Awareness Map View the current and past decade of wildfire history using an interactive map that allows users to view, research, and download incident data from across the country. “The one thing Washington State east slopes of the Cascades can predict, annually, is a wildfire.” – Gary Berndt Watch the video:
Learn more about living with fire in the United States

Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (FAC Net) invests in people and place-based efforts to change relationships with fire. The organization aims to empower leaders, resource strategic action, develop tools, and create and share approaches to increase wildfire resilience. Members are dedicated to developing wildfire resilience capacity in their communities, passionate about learning, sharing and innovating […]
Learn more about living with fire in Washington State

Washington Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network (WAFAC) is a peer learning network that supports local action, connects people to resources, facilitates results, and informs & influences on-the-ground projects to help Washington better live with wildfire. Visit WAFAC& sign up for the newsletter!
Join Kittitas Fire Adapted Communities Coalition

KFACC members work together, across property ownerships to accelerate the pace and scale of forest restoration and wildfire mitigation in Kittitas County. Participate in monthly meetings (every 2nd wednesday) KFACC offers free presentations from local wildfire experts to any group! Connect with us.
Read about recovery after a wildfire

Linda Masterson’s book, Surviving Wildfire: Get Prepared, Stay Alive, Rebuild Your Life (a Handbook for Homeowners), provides both a personal reflection on the author’s experience surviving a wildfire in Colorado as well as resources and expert advice she has collected over the years for homeowners preparing for and recovering from fire.
Learn more about community recovery after a fire using this guide from New Mexico

After Wildfire: a Guide for New Mexico Communities The After Wildfire website serves as a post-fire recovery guide for New Mexico communities. Although parts of the guide are tailored to New Mexico, others elements and resources may still be useful in Washington, including its tips on evacuating safely, accessing funding for recovery, and treating landscapes […]

Preparedness Journey You can add easy preparedness activities into your everyday life starting now. Learn how to begin your preparedness journey from the Washington Emergency Management Department with three simple steps: Know Your Hazards Make a Plan Make a Kit Evacuation (Ready, Set, GO!) Hear from residents and fire practitioners in Kittitas County in this […]