
Living with Wildfire: A Defensible Space Guide

Kittitas Fire Adapted Communities Coalition - defensible space

Many people see the large flame fronts on the news and figure that’s what burned the homes. However, most homes are not destroyed by these huge walls of flames, but by the little embers. Wildfire embers can travel over a mile and you can control what happens when they land by employing effective defensible space. […]

Building a new home in Kittitas County?

Kittitas Fire Adapted Communities Coalition - building a new home

Did you know that Kittitas County has a “Wildland Urban Interface” or WUI Code? This is a set of building codes for all unincorporated areas of the county to reduce structure risk from wildfires. This helps homeowners and first responders in the case of a fire. If you’re building a new home, you should read […]

Retrofit your home with wildfire in mind

Kittitas Fire Adapted Communities Coalition - retrofit home

Research has shown there are clear steps you can take to give your home a much better chance of surviving an encounter with wildfire. This guide provides four sets of steps that are grouped to provide the most impact for the time and cost involved. Get started today and be Wildfire Ready. These steps include: […]

Find ideas for fire-resistant landscaping

A well-designed landscape around a home is key to reducing the risk of loss from a wildland fire. Maintaining that landscape is essential to providing defensible space for the home and for providing for the safety of firefighters when a wildland fire occurs. Use the guides below to learn about ways to landscape your property […]